Details from IMDB:
Eddie Brock and Venom must make a devastating decision as they’re pursued by a mysterious military man and alien monsters from Venom’s home world.
Initial Thoughts:
I’ll admit I saw Venom 1 and 2, the 2nd one on a plane just to pass the time, I thought the second one was as bad as the series could get, I was wrong! I did not see this in theatres but I had a promo code from Cineplex, soon to expire, so I used it on this to watch at home.
Main Points:
Before the bashing begins I liked the first Venom movie. Tom Hardy did a good job and it was a quick, fun romp and I’ve always liked Venom, even Eddie Brock in the comics has had some interesting stories, this movie is not one of them. There were some good special effects, a few laughs and a few fun moments but all of that runs out around the hour mark and the last 45 or so minutes is mostly drudgery.
I felt bad for the actors in it, Hardy was doing his best and did have a funny bit about losing his shoes/not liking them but there’s not much he could do with this script. The same goes for Juno Temple and Chiwetel Ejiofor, both good actors stuck in a crappy movie. I could see the big finale coming, along with some tired jokes, but I suppose I was a little surprised by one part and I won’t spoil it and this certainly isn’t the worst movie I ever saw but it’s in my top 20 worst.
Final Thoughts:
I was going to give this a 6 but the ending bothered me a lot, so I’m putting it down to a 5. I’m one of the few people who like the song “Memories” by Maroon 5 and I hate how they used it here. Sure Eddie is feeling sad and thinking about the past but I did not need to see clips FROM THIS MOVIE! It just seemed like an insult to my intelligence. And yes there is both a mid-credit and end credit scene but does anyone care? There’s a reason Sony fired the guy in charge of these movies, I really hope they don’t mess up Spider-Man (animated and live-action) as it’s the only good movies they have done for Marvel. Please don’t bother to see this, your time can be better spent doing almost anything else but if for some reason you do, it has violence and coarse language, so ages 14+.